Update: StarWars.com Announces More Celebration Anaheim Exclusives
StarWars.com has several new Celebration Store exclusives listed today to go along with the t-shirts and apparel listed last week. Included in this batch of announcements are more trading pins, including what appears to be a few 4-packs and
possibly an 8-pack (with AT-AT Driver!), patches, lanyard and more clothing.
Two interesting items are a set of alphabet blocks and a Space Slug jack-in-the-box.
Update: We wanted to update with additional information on the pin sets. There are several 4-packs that will be available in the Celebration store along with blind 2-packs, which includes the pins shown in the photo above. Some of the additional single pins won’t be in the store but available from various retailers or trade with show staff. There are two, Han in Carbonite and Yoda which are available to those that spend $80 or $130, respectively, in the store.