Site Upgrade

Site Upgrade

Overnight tonight we are going to be upgrading our website to a new software package, WordPress, which will require us to be offline for a period of time.  If everything works smoothly, which we all know it never does, we’re hoping to be down for only a couple of hours.

When we come back online, you’ll see the content for May through today and some previous posts for Celebration VI.  The rest of the archive will remain in this format, for now.  We do plan to port some information over to the WordPress site, but not all.  We looked into it and realized that we posted a lot more information and photos than we’d though.  Which is great, except when you switch from a “flat” site to a database.  But we’re not removing any information so if you’ve found the site useful, hopefully it will remain that way.

Going forward we hope that moving to WordPress will allow us better access for updates when covering events such as Celebration VI, New York Comic Con and other Toy Fair.  We’re looking to add the ability to comment on topics and some of the most used Social Networking links will be available for sharing content.

For some posts you will notice that we’re integrating our Flickr account more for slideshows.  There are already plans in the works for additional video which we’ll share here via our YouTube channel.  Finally, moving to WordPress should allow us some options for live blogging during events that we’re covering.  We’re not sure yet if that’ll be through Twitter integration or packages like CoveritLive, but we’ll figure that out.

We’re excited about the upgrade and hope that our regular readers will continue to visit and we’ll pull in some new fans.  We’ll cross our fingers and hope to see you all on the upgraded site tomorrow morning!