Toy Fair 2012 – Avengers

Everyone knows that the Avengers hits theaters this year and Hasbro has plans to really celebrate. There will be action figures (hitting stores now) of all the main heroes and villains as well as some cool vehicles and plenty of role play toys.
The main line, 3.75″ figures, also gives us the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier which is over 3 feet long. Releasing this fall, the Helicarrier will be $69.99. Another iconic vehicle will be the Quinjet. While the Quinjet will fit action figures inside, it also has an external holder so Iron Man can “fly” alongsid the ship.
Hulk Hands are back, along with plenty of other role play toys. From masks to Captain America’s shield to Thor’s hammer, Avengers really lends itself to this type of play.
Head over to Flickr to see the photos. We’ll have more from Marvel later.