Anovos Posts AT-AT Driver Ensemble Pre-order
We normally don’t cover props and replicas but we couldn’t pass up highlighting the new AT-AT Driver Ensemble from Anovos Productions. The outfit includes most of the pieces you’ll need to dress as the driver of the fearsome AT-AT. It incldues the helmet, jumpsuit, cloves and chest box with hoses. Just add boots and you’re on your way.
Pre-orders are being accepted through February 7, 2015 with tiered pricing in place. Early orders, through today (January 27th), are priced at $1,200 then $1,360 until January 29th before going to full retail price of $1,600 through the end of the pre-order window.
The AT-AT Driver Ensemble is expected to ship in August. Head over to the Anovos website for all the details on the costume as well as sizing and ordering information.